The 20 bobbing trees forming ‘The Bobbing Forest’ will be situated in the Rijnhaven between the Luxor Theatre and Het Drijvend Paviljoen (The Floating Pavilion).
The area around the Rijnhaven has changed drastically over the past 15 years. The harbor itself has moved to the west and housing, employment and recreation have taken its place.
The Municipality of Rotterdam has designated the harbor as test site for innovation and sustainable initiatives that will enhance the liveability and vivacity in the city.
‘The Bobbing Forest’ does not just add greenery it also makes children and grown-ups aware of climate change, innovation, art, health in inner cities and the importance of greenery.
The first prototype stands in the specially for the occasion created waterfront park. This way visitors of ‘The Bobbing Forest’ will get the chance to look at a ‘tree-buoy’ up close. The art work can be watched at leisure while sitting on one of the benches in the park.